Tips & Tricks
Summer Driving, Buckle Up!
Aw yes, the family road trip, one of the many (if not the) quintessential summer bucket list experiences. Whether you consider it an exciting vacation or your own personal hell one thing remains the same: summer road safety is crucial. In fact, according to the United States Department of Transportation while most people would assume that winter is the most dangerous season to be on the road, due to icy roads and poor visibility, it’s actually summer that takes the prize for the season with the most accidents. So whether it be for work or play here are some summer driving tips to stay safe out there:
Backroad Driving BC: Need to Know
While most of us stick to the main roads and highways that take us to beautiful spots all over BC, there are many that look to the backroads when searching for the next adventure. With over 620 000 km of backroads to explore in BC alone, it is important to understand the risks and necessary tools you should have when you choose to drive down one of these backcountry roads.
Cruise Control: What you should know
Cruise control (sometimes known as speed or auto cruise) is a feature that comes standard on most vehicles. Many drivers choose to use cruise control because it is convenient, but there are a few important things you must know in order to safely and appropriately use this feature.
Get Your Car Ready For Fall Driving
I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news here, but I am sad to inform everyone that summer is quickly coming to an end. That’s right, as the days grow shorter and kids prepare to go back to school, fall is just around the corner. The change of season is the perfect time to put on your favourite sweater, drink a pumpkin spice latte, and show your car a little love with some maintenance.
Following these tips can help assure safe travels for you and everyone else on the road.
How To Safely Share The Road With Cyclists
Recently, a video of a bike being side swiped by a vehicle turning right at an intersection in Saanich was shared online. While the cyclist walked away with only minor injuries, it could have been a lot worse. The driver, who drove off seemingly oblivious to what had just occurred was NOT practising correct motorist/cyclist road safety. This got us thinking, maybe it’s time to refresh peoples memories of how to correctly share the road with cyclists. Watch the video below and decide from our tips what the motorist did wrong and what they should have done instead.
Safety Tips for Winter Driving
Safe Winter driving is a balance of preventing problems BEFORE they occur and how your respond when they DO.
Flatdeck vs. Wheel Lift Hauling: What’s the Difference?
Tow truck operators take a number of factors into consideration when determining what kind of truck to send out, which is why it is important to give correct information when the dispatchers ask, such as the make and model. This helps tow operators make the right choice for which haul to take. The difference between a flatbed and wheel lift tow truck is good to know when you’re calling a tow company, so it is easier to receive the right help as quickly as possible.
What To Do While You Wait For A Tow
Whether it’s due to a flat tire, a dead battery, or you’ve been in a minor accident, we’ve all had to wait for a tow truck before. Make the most of your time and stay safe while you wait by following these do’s and don’ts. possible.
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